New in the market
Vehicle Identification Device or Vehicle Tracker is conveyed to the market through Global Positioning System (GPS). Different Electronics Company Limited Pilibas Bangladesh Limited was working in the field of nearby innovation and 'Track', which was made in the nation.
The guard can be utilized to screen the development of a vehicle. Live following, fuel checking, vehicle entryway close or open, geofencing, goal caution, AC utilization, more speed, in excess of 20 advantages will be accessible. Updates and reports are accessible through the Android and iOS applications and online interfaces.
The cost
The guardian is accessible in four bundles, contingent upon individual and corporate interest. These are light, fundamental, standard and premium. The cost will be 4,499 to 11,999 taka. With every month the bundle will be charged from 450 to 699 taka. Guard can be found without establishment. Request can be made on address site.