Travel Mangpur Rabindranath

One is Rabindranath in Mongpur, West Bengal, in Darjeeling region. He lived here a couple of times in the most recent days of his life. A portion of the significant memorabilia abandoned, which a considerable lot of Ravindra-favors may have been searching for. In 2016, there was an amazement in the social affair of 'Rabindra Bhaban' at Mongpur, and I was shocked to see their absence of carelessness. At that point I was totally overlooked. As of late, the notice memorabilia returned to know two vital actualities. One. In July this year, the Government of West Bengal Government reported the expectation of improving the building and making it a focal point of Rabindra Research. In any case, the group of hoodlums likely had effectively settled on that choice. Thus, the number two data a few days prior, I saw the first image of Rabindranath's canvases, sketches of paint-handle kali, compositions, his homeopathy instruments, uncommon photos, and some of them were stolen from the Museum of Mongpur. 

Because of Darjeeling visit, Maitreyi's visit to Maungdaw's super-all around legged Rabindranath could most likely not be forestalled because of the nearness of Rabindranath. In the course reading sources, we realize that quinine is accessible in Malaria prescription from sinkangalera strip. The main quinine pill production line in India was built up in Maungpura in 1864, on the grounds that the sinkonga is uniquely found in this area. Moitreyi's better half, Manmohan Singh, was here in the contrary side of the industrial facility and the passage to the plant, his lodge. Rabindranath went to the home multiple times from 1938 to 1940. On the last birthday of 1940, he composed a ballad titled 'Birthday' and composed it in Kalimpong on telephonic sonnets for direct exposure on Kolkata Radio. 

I went to the spot and saw a similar hopelessness on the best and the other. As a result of the engineered quinine innovation, there is no interest for the syntactic quinine, all things considered in the production line's darnadasha. What's more, 75 years after Rabindranath kicked the bucket, the abusement and disregard of this parabara Rabindra Kuttii is additionally ineffectively disintegrated. The building is bolted, after a tremendous racket, a Nepali darwanan man said in the guardian home of the building. Be that as it may, he can flaunt the bolt. That is great. In light of the learning of this foolish man, we were gotten in the perspective of each article saved in the archipelago. 

In the archipelago, the artistic creations of Rabindranath's paint will be paint-puff-ink, painted pictures, different sorts of homeopathic vials, compositions and our inconspicuous photos. I have not seen these photos regardless of having a decent measure of data about Rabindranath. There is additionally his own planned furnishings. To support the shower, the interest of providing cold and high temp water to its plan in the washroom is another personality of the innovative personality of the artist. I saw a bamboo vase on which to etch and engraved ink blasts, and Rabindranath has painted pictures. He didn't think about such a creation. 

Be that as it may, the state of the building is dreary, the water is falling on the edges of the rooftop, generally separating. The state of furniture and photos is more awful. 

In any case, it appears that it was not sudden to get stolen from the working in Mongpur. Since Rabindranath's Nobel Prize has been stolen. There are worries about the wellbeing of the spots in the nation, for example, the gathering of Rabindranabhaban, Kala Bhavan or Rabindra Bharati, and so forth of Visva-Bharati. In our nation, there are some precious reminiscent of Robi Thakur's dedication in Shilaidaha. We likewise have some laxity in the security of such a gathering. A couple of years prior, a couple stolen bits of his acclaimed starvation streak from Joynul Abedin Museum of Mymensingh trusted that those capable were not overlooked. 

We have lost the greater part of the profitable assets in our history, we need to go to see the historical centers in the west. We ought to be progressively cautious about the security of every one of these advantages in our nation.

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