Dhaka-14 Two hours of casting a ballot in three focuses on the guise of lunch were shut

At early afternoon, the surveying was held in three focuses of Dhaka-14 body electorate for just about two hours.

For the postponement in casting a ballot, couple of hundred voters holding up outside the focuses wound up energized. They additionally got into an influence with the police.

The focal point of Dhaka-14 seats is three - Daruss Salam, BADC High School and FM School.

In excess of 100 voters were seen holding up outside the fundamental door of Darus Salam High School at around 12pm. Some of them were sitting tight for a hour from a hour and 60 minutes.

Shahidul, a voter's name, said he was Uttara. In any case, voters of Darus Salam Center He has experienced a great deal Uttara, he has come here to walk a ton. Shahidul communicated outrage regarding the postponement in casting a ballot.

Another voter named Shahriar said that he came to vote in favor of the first run through with a great deal of energy. Be that as it may, the craving to vote in favor of representing quite a while has finished.

Writers heard the protests and went inside the middle and the authorities, police and government individuals were eating biriyani together. It is realized that the seat image of the seat is sent by Aslamul Haque to Biriyani.

As per the tenets, it would be a continuous vote from 8am to 4pm.

Approached about the noontime feast hanging tight for the voters, managing officer Saiful Islam did not have any desire to think about it. At the season of the casting a ballot he was occupied. After the thirty minutes, the surveying was not begun in the middle.

Syed Abu Bakar Siddiq Sajur, an applicant of Paddy in the Dhaka-14 body electorate, asserted that the image of the watercraft could have been fixed inside the three focuses, keeping the casting a ballot shut.

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