Lower leg torment of the feet

Toward the beginning of the day, you can not nod off on the floor. Agony in the lower leg, particularly under the feet, is more. After a couple of troublesome advances, steadily the torment began to diminish. The name of this issue is Plantar Fasitis.

Our feet are fitted from lower leg to a strong band, which ensures the state of the feet. On the off chance that there is weight or aggravation in this tight tendon or band, there is Plantar phasitis. Commonly the lower leg swells and agony. What's the reason? Overweight puts weight on the feet, so the stout individuals endure more at it. On the off chance that for quite a while somebody strolls or is remaining, because of wounds, without utilizing the right size shoes, the foot strong issue may cause plantar phasitis.

What to do?

* Take rest. No more weight in the lower leg.

Move up the ice or chilly water bottle from the lower leg to the toe.

* Towel can be extending. Back rub and physiotherapy will be advantageous.

* Soft and precise size shoes. Heel pad is great to utilize.

* Control the load. Have customary exercise.

Umm Sheila Rumki: Physiotherapy Consultant, Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center

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