Kazi Anwar Hossain in Bhuban

The peruser of Masud Rana maker Kazi Anwar Hossain. The well known writing of riddle sentiment story has brought our nation up in just about one hand. His built up administration has assumed an extraordinary job in making production perusers. However, Kazi Anwar Hossain, whose character is called Kazida, would he say he is a prominent essayist? In the start of the year, there will be game plans for crafted by Kazi Anwar Hossain. Sivabrata Barman and Raushan Jamil met

Q: Many don't need spine chiller writing to be of incredible significance as writing, however it appears to be light. They feel that just they meet peoplechahida What do you like about this?

Kazi Ainar Hossain: I like the spine chiller. In that pre-adulthood, 73 years prior, the books of Shri Hemender Kumar Roy, distributed from Calcutta, and the spine chiller books of the fortune, the fortune of the zodiac, the fortunes of the zodiac, and the tropics chased me. Following that I got Robin Hood. I don't have the foggiest idea about the name of the writer, it was not the age of the consideration - the book did not discover much close by, and It was astonishing. Robin's passing filled the chest with a chest; He began to look all starry eyed at these characteristics, his valor, mettle, administration, the threat and the shortcomings of the survivors, the assistance of poor people, the regard for ladies. These books affected me so much that even today, she couldn't escape the cover of a fantasy, she remained a consistent adolescent. Lighu said or said non-educated writing; I live joyfully and cheerfully in my adoration world.

Q: You are the maker of the prevalent Massoud Runner. The arrangement began to compose over 50 years back. Presently the world is evolving for eternity. quite a while from now, will man and masud Rana read? For what reason do you figure you will peruse?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: for a long time, peruser Masud Rana has perused and got fun. However the main book, similar to the mist demolished mountain, is purchasing new books which are excitedly present, among them there are new young people, their fantasy cultivate sprouts, bringing about the production of administrations; I don't imagine that all their advantage will end in the following 30 years. I'm not going to act naturally, but rather I will give them the duty to take a shot at a normal, I realize they will remain for quite a while in the administration and their arrangement. Furthermore, it isn't that the peruser is purchasing these books for the good of I or my face, obviously, there must be some extraordinary fascination and claim in these accounts, which have stayed away from the eyes of pundits. Something else, the knowledgeable Masud Rana, who took such a large amount of his time, made himself high on the sprinter, even in the wake of striving for a long time, have they attempted to pull perusers far from these terrible composition and keep in touch with themselves? No They are not quite the same as their job, not just after pre-adulthood, individuals will achieve their development. Would i be able to hold adolescent readership, don't drive them towards? 30 Why, don't believe that in the following 60 years the administration should be lost.

Q: If you don't begin any novel, at that point acquire everything from Masud Runner's accounts. Utilize remote shades of shadow. For what reason did not compose the first Masud Rana?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: The principle reason, absence of experience. It is relatively difficult to accomplish the information and experience of those nations, encounters, occasions, complex circumstances, which are in the book of Masud Rana, for a white collar class Bengali. So I needed to take assistance from remote stories. Be that as it may, outsiders don't have faith in us here.

Masood Runner 457th will be distributed at this point. 457! Envision once. At first we attempted to compose fundamental Rana. At that point I comprehended, there is no chance to get of not shading the outside story. It can not be taken; Sex isn't adequate in our way of life, it is important to get it together with the shadow of the subjects that will run, the character of the Bengali Masud Runner. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes, The Stint of Leslie Charters, The Prairie Har-has not delayed to grasp the books of a lot increasingly remote authors in light of a similar issue that West Bengal's incredible journalists did.

Q: To advance the gathering of world writing by Bangali perusers have for some time been attempting to distribute your administration. Contrary dialect of its interpretations But numerous individuals state that great interpretation isn't accessible now from distributing administrations. What is the reason?

Qazi Anwar Hossain: You didn't see precisely what you mean. Try not to print administration and interpretation? Or on the other hand, printing, however they are bad? Notwithstanding, I don't have the response to this inquiry. I'm awed intentionally. The individuals who state this since they also can reveal to me superior to me. It tends to resemble an account of Vanul's 'passing of perusers' story. The individuals who were once interested, presently it isn't beneficial for them to talk. They are not the individual, they are old, personality attitude and insightfulness have created, have changed. For what reason would he go now to peruse this?

Q: There are numerous effective creators found in the English dialect at Spi Thrillar Ghanas. For instance: Ian Fleming, James Headley Chase, Tom Clancy, Ladlum or a portion of the prevalent John Lane. Yet, nobody else is found in Bangladesh with the exception of Qazi Anwar Hossain. What's the reason?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: What will I say? It appears that our writers slaughter the panic, dread of fract If the altruism did not see these works on a little scale, at that point maybe there might have been some other Qazi Anwar Hossain.

Q: How much significance do you take to alter the composition as a distributer? How does production of the administration achieve this undertaking?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: The publication work ought to be given most extreme importanceI think so. Since, a book isn't just giving satisfaction, yet in addition gives an assortment of training to the peruser. It is fundamental that the individual who plays out the work, has the capabilities of his work. All essayists aren't right in composing. On the off chance that we had the capacity to select accomplished, fitting editors like outsiders, it would have been something more. In any case, we can not say our market is little. Regarded Chittaranjan Saha attempted this in his production, however he didn't get great outcomes. We can not give even one tenth of the measure of regard that an appropriate editorial manager should give.

Question: Your dad was a popular artistic author, Motahar Hossain. Your family is for the most part group of singing. You yourself used to sing once. You have additionally sang in the motion picture Tell us something about this scene of your music vocation.

Kazi Anwar Hossain: The investigation of training and culture is inborn in our family. Father was an instructor, the majority of my sisters accepting educator as a calling. With the act of singing Sisters sang tunes of Rabindranath; My dad, Sage Kaka, and more youthful sibling Kaji Mahbub Hossain played it.

Q: It was likewise found in the field of melodies, that the family strolled uniquely in contrast to other people. Rabindra did not play the tune. Melody of singing film

Kazi Anwar Hossain: Yes, my decision is an alternate way. I sang on present day radio, radio and TV; Singing of the playback singing of Bengali and Urdu tunes

Guard: Why did you make tracks in an opposite direction from music?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: From 1958 to 1968 - 10 years I sang tunes, what amount? Furthermore, the composition and distributing business has assumed control as a calling - them two resemble all day employments. Everything isn't there in a lifetime.

Q: How would you see the reality of Serial versus Pop culture?

Qazi Anwar Hossain: I didn't inspire an opportunity to consider this. Peruse what I like. Do whatever you wish. I think these two classifications are not conflicting, but rather all societies are required.

Q: In your family, there was the act of genuine writing. You went to populist writing. Genuine versus popular culture family needed to confront this contention?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: No, never. My dad Kazi Motahar Hossain composed exposition; sister Sijeda Khatun composed a self-portraying article, and additionally a reading material style book in brutal dialect, the senior sister, Joabaida Mirza, wrote in her personal history, that my diverse shading days. My sibling and I composed the book of riddle and sentiment. We didn't confront any restriction to this. Father gave a great deal of support. Sun Jida Khatun additionally gave me enough motivation to peruse the principal original copy of Fog 1 and 2.

Q: What is the eventual fate of spine chiller writing in Bangladesh?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: In all, the eventual fate of craftsmanship and culture is great - I can not say that, too bad. Because of the spine chiller writing, expressions of the human experience, culture-culture, move music-design, that is, everything that is wonderful, the nature of a wide range of artistic expression has turned out to be delicate from the faintest. What is the excellence of the grapefruit that swallows our magnificence, it must be comprehended by the Bengalis. I will leave, the general population who are here to be caution, however this is the ideal opportunity.

Q: What would you like to find in your commemoration?

Kazi Anwar Hossain: Nothing I need to go to Dhaka Medical College. Attempting to know the principles.

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