Regardless of whether the credit expanded, the benefit did not increment

The decrease of the default advance has diminished significantly

The administration benefit toward the year's end 2018 was like that of 2017

The advance development has been 24 percent

In the year 2017, Agrani Bank kept Tk 5, 960 crores. In 2016, it has expanded to 62 thousand 392 crore. As he grew 18 percent of the stores. Similarly, in the year 2017, the credit was Tk 31, 922 billion, in 2018 it expanded to 39,575 crore taka. The credit development in 24 percent. In spite of the expansion in stores and credit, the bank's defaulting advance accumulation has not diminished. That is the reason the benefit of the bank's administration did not increment excessively.

Conversing with the concerned authorities of the bank, in 2011, the bank authorities were kept more occupied with new credits than the reimbursement of advances. Because of this, the recuperation of advances was not exactly the earlier year. A large portion of the new credits were not paid for the portion. All of a sudden, financing costs on advances were decreased. That is the reason benefit has not expanded much.

Whenever reached, Agrani Bank administrator Zayed Bakht said in the main light, "A vast part of the defaulting credit is recouped in 2017. That is the reason the desires were not gotten a year ago. We completed an exceptional team to pay for default cash. Ideally, the new government will give a wide range of help.

Zayed Bakht stated, "Pulling back loan costs decreased the pay. Aside from the credits, the salary has not begun. Notwithstanding premium salary this year, the fare profit will be a lot higher. That is the manner in which it has been readied. '

Agrani Bank sources stated, in the year2018, the bank gathered Taka 1,150 crore from defaulting and devalued credits. Of this, Tk 978 crore was pulled back from the defaulting advance and 47 crore was pulled back from the disintegration. In the money incomes is 398 crores taka. In 2017, the sum was Tk 2,95 crore. Accordingly, the bank's poor obligation recouped midway.

As per the bank-related sources, in the year 2007, the working benefit of Agrani Bank was 950 crore taka, in a year ago it has expanded to 957 crore taka. Genuine benefit will be discharged simply in the wake of evacuating the securities and corporate assessments against working benefit from the advance. Aside from this, the bank likewise has security store and capital deficiency. The real benefit will be determined after these records are settled.

As of September a year ago, the bank's defaulting credit added up to Tk. 5, 962 crore. Around then, the shortfall of security was 867 crore and capital shortage was 866 crore taka.

As per the bank, in the year 2018, Agrani Bank expanded import, fare and ostracize pay. Be that as it may, low intrigue salary. Import exchange was 13 thousand 266 billion out of 2017, in the most recent year it expanded to 23 thousand 550 crore Export exchange was 7 thousand 58 crore in the year 2017, in a year ago it expanded to Tk 8,297 crore. So also, the ostracize salary expanded from 10.65 billion as far as possible of a year ago at Tk 12,680 crore. Be that as it may, the intrigue pay declined from 449 crore to 399 crore taka

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