Lord of rice Khajangor

• Khajangarh, only five kilometers from Kushtia town

• In 1978, Chaukal-Chattal was built up in Khajangarh

• Provided 30 percent of the nation's interest is accessible from Khajangarh

• One of the most encouraging rice enterprises in Khajangarh nation

• There are tremendous conceivable outcomes in Khajangarh just as different issues

• If the emergency is conceivable then an unrest in rice industry will occur

Alamdanga street has moved from the Batail street to the Kushtia-Jhenaidah expressway. In the event that you stroll along a couple of kilometers on this street, you will be seen and run. Not one-two; The best way to see the eye is to run. Ladies and men working in gatherings where they are working This region is named after Khajanagor from morning till late night.

Its position only five kilometers from Kushtia town. Presently known for the generation of rice, Khajangor is known all through the nation. Khajanagara has distinctive nadakas particularly for tight (miniket) rice. Around 30 percent of rice request in the nation is loaded up with this mokram, dealers said. Consistently, in excess of 100 trucks are being kept running from this mokam, in various locale of the nation including Chittagong, Dhaka. There are immense conceivable outcomes just as different emergency. On the off chance that these troubles can be survived, the progressive individuals will believe that transformation will occur.

Millmilikara stated, in 1978, the first Chalkal and Chattal was built up in Khajangarh. Around then, Comilla went to Kushhat Mujah of Kushtia Sadar upazila and began the matter of Chalakal and turned into a granddad named Dada Ramiz Sir. He began the business by purchasing a land and settling a little measure of smokin plants. It began to develop for the last time the rice and rice. Around then there was no power in Khajangor zone. Granddad Ramiz's primary power accompanied the assistance of 18 posts from adjacent Alamdanga feeder to convey power to Khajangarh. The territory began to work. As of now his child Abdus Salam is leading the fundamental business. They have two auto matches. They deliver different groups of rice.

Abdur Rashid, leader of Bangladesh Auto Major and Hosking Mill Malik Association, the proprietor of Rashid Agro Food Products, the biggest organization in rice creation in Khajangor region, stated, Khajangor is one of the nation's driving rice industry. It will give 30 percent of the nation's interest from Khajangarh. Proprietors have been guaranteeing this business as an industry for quite a while. At the point when the correct market the board of rice and rice is made, the purchaser vender won't swindle. The new ones who need to set up a vehicle will be truly adept at giving them an advance.

Region Food Office sources stated, there are presently 42 auto rickshaw processes in Khajangarh and abutting regions. What's more, there are several manual matches. Be that as it may, the creation of numerous hosking generation is ceased. Aside from being not able contend with auto factories, numerous matches are shut.

The laborers said that a vast bit of the rice is being readied day by day in Khajangarh rice mole, from Jessore and Naogaon. Consistently 4 thousand metric huge amounts of rice is delivered. Beginning from morning to rice, Malta began purchasing rice. The exchanging finished at 10am in the first part of the day. The rice created in Khajangarh comprises of miniket, ashish, kajalatta and guti gold. The best minkins in these rice. Particularly Rashid Miniket, Dada Rais Miniket, Biswas Miniket and Gurna Miniket are acclaimed.

One of the Dada Rice Mills and District Chalkal Owners' Association general secretary Jainal Abedin Head said each day, 200 trucks of rice in the nation's discount and retail advertises go to the entire nation. Whose showcase esteem is around 12 crores. Aside from khud, powder, beat and different parts, there are in excess of 20 million exchanges for every day in Khajangor mokam. There are additionally parts of a few banks in the zone.

The proprietors of the rice process said that the laborers are extremely included with rice and rice. At present, 5 thousand people are working here. Outside, Khasan, Powder, Fisheries and PALIS are for the most part working in the matter of 15 thousand individuals in Khajangarh.

Numerous individuals in Khajangarh have claimed various auto process from Hasking Mill. Having worked with diligent work and trustworthiness, Taka possesses a million. Among them, Jinnah Alam, one of the proprietors of Subarna Auto Rice Mill, is one of them. He stated, began an extremely little scale business. At that point the capital was nearly nothing. Beginning from that progressively the extent of business kept on developing. Hasking Mill set up. After the business was great, the automobile advance was built up with bank credit. Presently the business is progressing admirably.

Auto-rickshaw proprietors stated, being all present step by step. In spite of the fact that there is an expansion in the programmed rice process, there are no talented labor in the nation for the support and the executives of its apparatus. The individuals who don't have any formal instruction. Consequently, an organization will be set up in Kushtia for Boiler, Power and Boyling. Courses should be presented in such manner alongside the courses offered by youth advancement offices and different TTs. So gifted laborers will be here. Mishaps will likewise diminish.

Abdus Samad, proprietor of rice process proprietors' affiliation and proprietor of the gold auto rake process, said a substantial amount of rice was being created in the nation. In the event that it is authoritatively sent to another country, it very well may be conceivable to gain remote cash when sent to another country. Many crores of rupees are being put resources into this segment. A great many individuals are being utilized. So it should expand the offices by pronouncing the workmanship.

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